Eye bag surgery, also called blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid, is a cosmetic procedure that helps correct lose skin, excess fat, and wrinkles of the lower eye area.

As your age, your skin naturally loses elasticity and fat padding. This can make the lower eyelid appear puffy, wrinkled, and baggy. Lower eyelid surgery can make the undereye smoother, creating a more youthful look.

Procedures of Eye Bag Surgery


  • Eyes look younger perfectly! Eye bags surgery or rearranging of eye bags fat is to remove excess fat which a part is convex and to fulfil fat into the areas of the eye bags. The eye bags surgery can be solved dark circle eyes areas, so patients face will look brighter noticeably.
  • Sudden results after the operation! In case of moving lower eyelids fat, a surgeon will transfer fat from upper eyes tissue to beneath lower muscle. In the future, the firmness of tissues will be faded following by time, and there is a chance to be the same as before.
  • No any scars! Because incisions are hidden inside of upper eyelids tissues, a surgeon will absolutely not slit the incisions on skin.
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